I really need the songs Where Does It Hurt, and I Don%26#39;t Know If I Should Stay.
I%26#39;m in the US by the way. That%26#39;s why I can%26#39;t get them. If you can rip the songs off the CD I will love you. I don%26#39;t want just any mp3s I want them the exact length, CD quality. Please somebody. I beg you. Please leave me some online contact info if you have it.
Answers: The soundtrack is listed as follows:
1."Where Does It Hurt—Alexz Johnson
2."Waste My Time" — Cory Lee
3."What You Need" — Tyler Kyte
4."I Don’t Know If I Should Stay" — Alexz Johnson
5."Just the Beginning" — Damhnait Doyle
6."Love to Burn" — Cory Lee
7."Unraveling" — Tyler Kyte
8."Don’t You Dare" — Alexz Johnson
9."I Will Be the Flame" — Cory Lee
10."Worth Waiting For" — Tyler Kyte
11."Darkness Round the Sun" — Damhnait Doyle
12."Shooting Star" — Lindsay Robins
13."The Breakdown" — Alexz Johnson
14."No Shoes No Shirt" — Cory Lee
I found this on Wikipedia. I don%26#39;t know the lengths. CD should be out today. (July 10, 2007). the Season 3 soundtrack comes out on this Tuesday, the 10th so if you get really desperate, you can just buy the cd
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