How good are you:?
I just started with a electric... i love it but need to learn soem new songs
I%26#39;m okay, it%26#39;s fun and relaxing to me.- yes i play and i am verry good
what a stupid thing to post as a question Learn how to read guitar tablatures. If you can read them, your hands will easily follow how to make chords. The person who replied first, you are such a loser.
Firstly, no serious musician would EVER say "I%26#39;m very good", because we know that the particular answer to that question is not ours to answer.
To the person asking the question.. get some lessons from a good teacher in your area, and don%26#39;t give up when it seems like you%26#39;re never gonna get anywhere. Keep trying at it. It will give you a lifetime of pleasure, even if it doesn%26#39;t make you a rock god. All the very best of luck !! :)
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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