Thursday, October 22, 2009

Any tips to maintain the cleanliness quality of a CD and DVD?

I love all my favourite CDs and DVDs but I noticed if I didn%26#39;t use the CD or DVD for a long time, there are some spots that sticked on the back of the disc, any better ways to clean it away rather than use a tissue to remove it?


you should keep it in the case when not in use. Also a good cheap alternative to cd cleaners you can use toothpaste by applying it to the cd and using your finger to buff away the scratches it has. The fine abrasives that help you clean coffee stains also gently buff scratches. P.S you must use paste not gel. keep it in a CD case...that is the best solution..Also keep it under 40C..

Look at for more details..Even you are not using windows 2000

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