Thursday, October 22, 2009

Another question about limewire?

I%26#39;m not used to using limewire, so I have a question, i just downloaded a couple songs onto my ipod from limewire. Now everytime I try and listen to it on my ipod it just freezes up. It won%26#39;t even turn off so I have to charge it once because it won%26#39;t turn off. Now i have it plugged into the computar and it won%26#39;t charge! I don%26#39;t know what to do. Why doesn%26#39;t limewire work for me?


Leave your iPod alone for awhile. Most of the time it will unfreeze. If you can (or after it unfreezes), take the songs off. It may not be Limewire, but just the songs alone. If you%26#39;ve used other music downloading services and it worked okay, stick with them. You may want to try this agian with other songs, but I suggest not. My friend has an iPod and uses Limewire, and she%26#39;s okay. I think that one of the songs is a Bad Track, and it%26#39;s screwing your iPod up. I hope things go okay for you! um thats weird

and whej i say weird i mean thats never happened to me and almost every somg on my Ipod is from limewire

um the only thing i can think of is for u to delet all of the songz and download them again

and u should reset your ipod

hold down the center button and the menu button untill the apple icon shows

and then hold down the menu button untill the screen lights up

and for more info heres a link to the apple support page for ipods

i hope iv helped

-Da Bear that%26#39;s never happened 2 me...

the only thing i can think of is to not put the songs straight into ur sync list. make a playlist first, and then sync it. this probably happens because limewire is an open thing 2 everyone. just take everything 1 step at a tym and it will work

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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