Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anyone that has a creative labs zen mp3 player;; i need help!?

my computer recently had a huge breakdown with a big virus so all the media/pics are erased from the computer. my zen had all of my music on it...is there any way to transfer it from my zen back TO my computer?? i%26#39;ve looked in loads of places but i%26#39;ve only found the "transfer to" for the zen =/ please help!!


Update the question with the model of the Creative player or email me and I will try to help. Is it a Zen V ... a Zen Vision M ... Vision W . Zen Stone ... ? Let me know because there may be a way to do it. I have done it several times from my Zen Vision M. - Steve

To email me look at my profile and look for the email link.

The basic answer is to use Windows Explorer and simply find the files you want to transfer on the ZEN, and drag them to the folder where you want them on the Hard drive. You may or may not need to open 2 windows in explorer. Since systems will generally recognize ZEN players as storage devices, the process is pretty easy. Good Luck! Open your media player* plug in your zen* highlight the songs you want to transfer/sect all* press the arrow that points to the left%26lt;------- * In revers of putting music on it.

The answers post by the user, for information only, CeQnA.com does not guarantee the right.

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