So I lost my iPod. An di still have a warinty on it. But I allready called in and asked if I can get a new one since I lost it, but the customer service said that THAT wasn%26#39;t part of the wainty. So, my brother%26#39;s iPod stopped working, but his warinty has expired... so can%26#39;t I just use his iPod to get a new one for myself since I%26#39;ve mis-placed mine?
that may work but chances are not, cause the warranties are associated with a s/n so it probably will not work I%26#39;d do that. Unless your brother%26#39;s wasn%26#39;t the same as yours because they%26#39;d probably ask for proof that it%26#39;s yours. But I dunno.
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