can you put an ulimited number of songs on your mp3 player?
do the songs stay forever?
do you like it?
is it worth it?
i had a mp3 player.
theres a specific quantity of every mp3 or ipod, you see.
yes, of course the songs stay forever until u delete it yourself.
i had one but now it doesn%26#39;t work coz it is corrupted.
so just be careful.
it gets corrupted because when we want to remove the mp3 connection(or USB) we click on the %26#39;%26#39;safely remove hardware" tab right!?
i removed it without clicking it and so. it got corrupted.
and also DO NOT visit any sites with your mp3 or ipod connected.!!..
and WAIT for a minute after clicking the %26#39;%26#39;safely remove hardware" tab.
ok, best of luck vth ur new mp3
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