I%26#39;m selling a 1 GB Samsung Yp-U2 MP3 player today on ebay and it ends in 2 hours! I started the bid at $20.00, did I sell my player short?! I%26#39;m new on ebay so if you have advice please let me know :)
Prices usually don%26#39;t jump until the last minute of the auction.
Ebay tip: Early bids always get trumped. If you really want a good price determine the maximum you are willing to pay in advance and then bid that amount in the last 5 seconds of the auction. it seems like you did...how much did you pay for it in the first place? how much is it selling for now and how much did u purchase it for? 1 gb%26#39;s prity good. i wuld of started at maybe 30.
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