Thursday, October 22, 2009

Any news/plans for a newer iPod within the next year?

I%26#39;m in the market for buying a new iPod, but I really really don%26#39;t want to buy one and then see 2 weeks later, they introduced a even better version. Does anyone know if they have plans of making a new version within 2007 to 2008? I can wait.


Not till mid 2008 some time I sell them here and I havn%26#39;t heard any thing from them yet and I%26#39;m an approved apple affiliate they won%26#39;t release the new one till they make maximum profit from the iPhone i don%26#39;t think they gonna out any new ipod bacause apple just go out the new iphone which also work as an ipod. go on to check usually. well there%26#39;s a possible chance that they might re-design for it like the ipod nano and shuffle.

you can wait if you want.

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