does anybody know any cool ipod tricks besides the old linux hacks I%26#39;m going on a car trip from Texas to New York and an ipod is my only entertainment.
Put an audiobook on. Or depends on the iPod you have. If you have an iPod nano, download an audiobook and you%26#39;ll be fine for a long time.
27 hours and 46 minutes. 1771.96 miles? Man, get a game for your cell phone or something.
If you have an iPod video, then fill it up with videos. Thirteen two hour movies will be 26 hours. You can listen to music for the last hour. if you throw it out the car window whilst on the highway, it will automatically open its self and spew forth its internal components. Have you tried juggling three at a time? LOADS of fun, drives the chicks crazy with desire. You guys are terrible! ( : LOL! Eight great iPod hacks, mods and tricks-
Also browse through these websites. You%26#39;ll find some interesting and useful stuff-
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