and i need some help deciding on a color?
the colors r.white, jewel blue, metallic red, or black night
Selecting a color for an investment such as your guitar is really part of you and no one else. Take the colors of your choice and sit down with your eyes closed. Focus on your colors. The main color within you ora will be the first color you see when you open your eyes. Try it with anything dealing with colors. Happy shopping ; =) Metallic red red! it looks great and goes with just about anything! unless you wear purple and orange! (random. but it wouldnt match) tough choice.. the white looks kinda sharp, but the black is the ol%26#39; standby color.
If I was buyin one I would pick White I would get metallic red. I think you see red, blue and black guitars pretty much all the time. It%26#39;s rare to see a white guitar. It practically goes with any color. im loving the white right now!
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