Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anyone know anything about this player?

I want recommendations for a good mp3 player.here are the particulars I want..check up...it would be so much better if you could send me the page URL...please DO reply.....

1. AA or AAA battery used

2. Voice AND line-in recording

3. Good sound quality

4. 2~4 GB storage capacity


If you%26#39;re looking for something which has good sound quality, line in recording and a built in condenser microphone, why not opt for a Mini Disc recorder? They can be bought fairly cheaply now that they are not the hottest thing on the block, and will easily give you better sound quality than any mp3 compression known to mankind. Then you can buy yourself a standard mp3 player to go along with it for listening to your music on, and use the MiniDisc recorder for your recording needs. Highly recommend Sony Mini Disc recorders. Check on eBay for some bargains !! Good luck :)

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