Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anyone know a lot about ipod problems?

This morning when I tried to update my ipod on the computer and the little picture of the battery came up on the ipod screen, like it is supose to. but then the screen on the ipod froze. Since the computer didn%26#39;t even recognize i had put something in the USB port, i unplugged it and tried to plug it in again. this time not only did the computer not recognize it, the screen was blank on the ipod. after that my ipod wouldn%26#39;t even turn on. the screen is blank even if plug it into the ipod charger, the computer, the carcharger and when i try to use ipod speakers. its 4GB ipod mini. Does anyone know how fix it or what is wrong with it?


same thing happend to mine a few weeks ago click the middle then the menu button that should do it well sometimes the ipod becomes faulty not allowing u to do anything so u hav 2switch it off charge it then try agen

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