Thursday, October 22, 2009

Any tips on getting scratches off a CD?


I use to own video stores,I used car wax and put the wax on the c.d. and let set 5 minutes,rub it off with a soft clean towel in a circular motion and it will take most scatches out!If not some video stores have special machines,you pay $1.00 and they can coat it for you and it will be protected for life!My friend has one of these machines in his store,it works! Q-tip and metal polish. Gently. use aftershave on it. it dosnt get rid of the scrtches but fills them. works a treat Now ive heard that toothpaste works but if you want a shure-fire thing go buy a disc dr. from your local department store. conditioner Cotton and Alcohol rub gently go to a music store they have some machines that cleans the cd and no scratches

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