when you click the "only sync checked items" is there a way i can see everything on my ipod and choose from there??
I%26#39;m not sure I%26#39;m clear on what you%26#39;re trying to do, but I%26#39;ll do my best here.
When you click the "sync only checked items" what this does is goes through your itunes library, and any song that you don%26#39;t have the checked (if you look, you%26#39;ll note there%26#39;s a checkbox to the left of every song) will not be uploaded to the ipod. This is basically assuming you have some form of automatic syncing set up, meaning you don%26#39;t have to manually add music to your ipod.
If you want to have more control over what goes on your ipod, you can do this two ways, basically. 1) You can set the ipod to "manually manage music and videos, which means nothing goes on the ipod that you don%26#39;t specifically drag to it. 2)Set it up to only sync specific playlists. (under the music tab, you would change it from "sync all songs and playlists" to "selected playlists" and check the playlists you want it to sync.) This way you can add music to these playlists and the next time you plug the ipod in, it will load what%26#39;s included in these playlists.
If you wanted to go in and manually remove music from the ipod or change it%26#39;s information or something, just within the ipod, there is an arrow to the left of your ipod icon in itunes. click that and it will open a list of the playlists. When the ipod is set to manage manually, you can delete or change songs within the ipod this way. read the manual or play around iwth it If you notice! when you click to sync, it shows what it will be send to your ipod, so just make sure that all the data om the item you click on is there, like pics, videos etc.you will o be able to choose individually, unless you do it manually 1 by 1... good luck
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