I want to buy an IPOD for my wife. We have PCs. Does an IPOd work with PCs?
Yes and no.
When using PC%26#39;s, since they carry viruses, unlike Macintosh%26#39;s, the virus%26#39;s will spread to the iPod.
Be careful... Yes, but if you want to transfer songs from pc to iPod, u have to download itunes. yes.a pc is the best/ easiest thing that will work with an ipod...the only problem with using ipods on a pc is that u take the ipod out of the pc before it is safe and it will remove all files.but if u follow the directions u will be 100% safe.i recommend a nano...that is the best compadable with a pic.any more questions? send me a message = ] I recently got an iPod and I%26#39;ve used PC my entire life.
There%26#39;re no problems with it (of course I have a nano). You just need to download iTunes to get the songs and such onto the iPod.
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