Saturday, October 10, 2009

Are there any websites where you can download songs for an mp3 player for free??

if so can someone please list some of them??



bearshare has a variety of free mp3%26#39;s available. Not sure about specifics, but you should be able to go look and see if it meets your taste. yes sites like lime wire or morphious you may get virusis on yout computer and coockies but it is 100% free and pretty safe every one i know uses it and my uncil has a mp3 player thet he puts songs on it all the time from these sites limewire Yeah, Ilegally.. There%26#39;s limewire, morpheus, ares... Try this:

Although it is not free,It is really worth a try.

this website:

Over 100 million files

One time fee for unlimited downloads,Never recurring billing.

Fast unlimited 24/7 downloads

No bandwith limited,no content limited

Copy any file to CD or Dvd

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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