I just bought 5 songs from ituns (I used a gift card). It shows up into my library, so I clicked one the music and dragged to my ipod like I am suppose to do. When I was done I hit the disconcert button that is next to the ipod so it would be okay to pull the wire thing out of my ipod. But the 5 song are not on my ipod.did I do something wrong?
Yes. You are supposed to create a playlist for the songs then either drag them to that playlist or right click and choose copy file to whatever the playlist name is, you can choose the playlist if you have more than one. Then in itunes you click the button "file" on the top of the screen. Then you will see sync ipod or you can connect the usb port to the p.c. and wait for it to update by itself. Did the screen say it was done loading? If so, then just plug your iPod back in and leave it for a few. If it didn%26#39;t, we just realized your mistake and you can go ahead and plug your iPod back in.
Thx 4 the 2 pts. with the ipod plugged in, click "sync ipod",
waits till it says ipod update complete, then eject Plug the iPod in, wait for the iPod to appear in iTunes, then right-click on your iPods name and select SYNC. Did it say "syncing ipod" after you dragged the songs to your ipod? If not, then the songs just didn%26#39;t get put on your ipod before you disconnected it. Just plug your ipod back in and sync it, and you will have the songs. It could not be in a play-list or you haven%26#39;t checked the box that allows the play-list to go on your Ipod ( click the name of your ipod on the left hand side toolbar and it comes up with some tabs ie. music podcasts etc...) there will be a box with the name of your playlist, if it is unchecked, check it , then Sync :) if you%26#39;re thinking of buying an ipod you should out this site first. they give you an ipod nano for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.
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