i NEED one!
Target sells them.
http://www.target.com/gp/browse.html/ref... most electronic stores, amazon.com, or the official zune website Try eBay. You can get them new and really cheap. I love mine, hope you enjoy yours too! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...
well wut is ur
msg me your email ok
what lv is tyranita
no way im keeping arceus i want to recive a lv 100r No...the first gen SUCKS! NEVER buy a 1st generation product! Companies like apple, creative, and iriver have like 5th or 6th generation products, which means they took their time to get things right when it comes to reliability and ease of use of their products. If u gotta have a zune, be like me and wait for the better and cheaper 2nd gen that will come out in a few months.
If you dont have time to read my exhaustive review on the zune, i%26#39;d reccomend holding off on the 1st generation zune. I%26#39;ve owned 2 and they were a pain. Wait for the bigger and better ones to come out!
Since pretty much everybody knows about the ipod, I will focus on my TOTALLY ORIGINAL review of the zune. For the record, I have owned an ipod, 2 zunes, and a psp. Also, I do not own a mac and I dont associate with apple geeks, likewise with microsoft geeks.
Here it is: The Zune...
An Underdeveloped product with tons of potential when it is fixed!
I think we were all surprised when Microsoft announced a new mp3 player, dubbed by many to be a new "Ipod Killer". I mean, it looked so cool when the new pictures came out, the fresh advertising campaign, "Welcome to the Social". How could you not like something like this? And when you see it in person and play with it a little bit, it was actually really fun to use! You could stick your own picture in the background, listen to the fm radio, and do quite a few other really cool things that the ipod cannot do.
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