Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anyone know how to delete A LOT of dublicate files on itunes?

every one of my songs duplicaed when i uploaded them all onto a new computer. how do i delete all of them? i cant highlight any of the songs for some reason, whenever i try itjust tries to relocate the file. i have windows vista btw


on itunes... be sure to be on a playlist [not auto playlist] or music or videos. in the auto playlists you cant delete stuff... then click view, then click view duplicates... and sort by name or what ever you want... then select every other item and press delete... [tip on selecting stuff... press and hold the crtl button while selecting..]

hope it helped! I am on a Mac, but I think this should work for you.

Open iTunes and select "view options" from the "View" pull down menu. Add a check to the box that says "date created"

Now you should be able to sort your library by date created . Select and delete all the files created when you added them to the library.

I hope that helps!

Good luck


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