Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Are there any small, cheap (<$100) MP3 players with microphone jacks for recording?

I%26#39;m looking for something simple with about 1 GB of space. The ones I know of are old, discontinued models, e.g, iRiver t30, iRiver iFP-799 and I%26#39;d prefer something newer and still supported, if possible, but it seems mic jacks ares not very common on mp3 players


Try ebay.com. my cuz has a mp3 like the description i just don%26#39;t know what it%26#39;s called! sorry!! Mic jacks won%26#39;t be too common until you get into the professional MP3 recorders. Even then, few people bother to use those because it%26#39;s easier to just run the audio through a mixer into a computer that%26#39;s equipped with audio editing software. My Sansa does have an internal mic, but I know that isn%26#39;t what you were looking for exactly.

You would honestly be better off recording into a computer. excell.com

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