i want to buy an acoustic. do i need an amplifier?
i mean.. can i get the sound without it?
No you don%26#39;t. Nah, Acoustic ones dont have electric. They are them wooden ones that Nuns play while the Vicar joins in with the Tambourine.
You can buy Electric acoustic but if its just to learn in your room, you dont need too. no you don%26#39;t need an amp. When someone uses the word %26#39;acoustic%26#39; they usually mean the natural sound. I do know people who have bought electric guitars without amps. You don%26#39;t need an amp for an acoustic guitar. An acoustic guitar has a sound box that amplifies the sound so for practise purposes an amp is not generally required although better sound can be gained by the addition of an amplifier and pick up attached to the guitar.
Just depends how confident(although playing louder can increase confidence) you feel! You can get some very good sounding acoustic guitars with out the need for an amp. You can get a 6 or a 12 string, of many different makes and quality. For beginning learning I would go for a cheapish one. Then later you may want to change it. Depends what kind of music you would like to play. If you like rock, then you%26#39;d probably be better of with an electric. an acoustic guitar makes sound with its soundhole and cavity. the normal way to play one is without an amp. a good guitar will sound beautiful...a bad one will sound like cat screeches.
fortunately good ones can be had now for not a lot of money. if you can spend more than $200 US then you probably can get one that sounds and plays very well.
good luck!
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