Hi, for about 3 years ive had this sony cd walkmen and my family isn%26#39;t that rich and i dont usually have expensive electronics but after passing high school my mom gave me money and my dad said he was gonna buy me any ipod i want.
the thing is i dont know which one to get. some1 said that 4gb are only for music and 30 is for video also.
but they said that u have to pay alot of money to buy videos from itunes and i already know how to convert music into ipod and if i try to convert videos into the ipod it would take a longgggggggggggggg time because my cpu is compaq 800MHZ amd duron ,and you don%26#39;t wanna know the rest.
so what should i do just get 4gb for now and get 30 gig like after a year or two( after i get a better pc) or just get a 30 gig now.
Answers: It Depends, i have a 30gb, because i have over 200 albums i have a a special i-station to listen to them all day it has 7500 songs, (this is more for a business man or someone with wide variety of music (adult probably))
a 4gb ipod is for someone who wants up to date music and has only new hits on their ipod and is using it for car journeys and asa fashion thing to carry around with you (this is for a person with all the latest gear and is within your price budget (this is preferably for a teenager or child)) - this carries 1000 songs and still does pictures and videos! you know everyone would say 30GB
(some might not) umm i%26#39;d say get a 4gb music iPod, and ill tell you why, an ipod is usually used on the bus or train or when ur walking somewhere, so the only time ull be watching the videos on it is becuz ur either really bored or something, trust me the 4gb one is alot better and alot smaller, so its better for portability, and yeah ur right ur computer would take a long time to download the videos, and videos on iTunes is like $2-3 so i%26#39;d recommend the 4gb nano...especially for a high school graduate It is not true that 4gb ipods are only for music and 30gb ipods are only for videos. It depends on what type you buy. But be aware that videos take up alot of room on an ipod. So if you are planning on downloading alot of videos...go with the 30gb ipod. If you really like music and have tons of songs go with the 30gig. Its a added benifit that it plays videos so if you chose to have a video you can go ahead and do it. wow r u serious? 30 gb the 30 gb is better. it%26#39;s really not bulky at all if you%26#39;re worried about that. and the screen is easier to read too. i have a 30gb
its too much space for me!
i can download free videos, but i dont care
y dont see videos... so, i want a 4gb now :(
buy a nano if u dont have a lot of music if your going into college and buying a new computer buy a macbook because it comes with a 4gb ipod(that only if your buying a new computer also). But the 30gb ipod in a lot better in many ways. i have a 7 year old compaq and the CPU is 800MHZ and it converts videos just fine for me I just came across a site that sends you an iPod for free! I%26#39;m ordering mine right now, going for the black one :)
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