My sister is thinking about getting an ipod and I was wondering wether or not it would have its own seperate itunes or would it share the same itunes I am using with my current ipod. I would like two seperate, but is that possible?
I hear about the library options idea, but how does it work?
p.s. my parents arn%26#39;t going for the separtate window users idea. . .
It%26#39;s not possible to have separate iTunes unless you have separate Windows Accounts. Currently I have 2 ipods in my computer, both in one account. I created a play lists in iTunes to separate both ipods. To create a playlist press ctrl+n. It will be seperate. Because a different name comes up with her hardware. You know how you can name yours, like..."Reese%26#39;s i-pod".. Hers will come up seperately and not effect anything of yours. And same will happen when you hook yours up.. Here%26#39;s a solution for the problem. Make a deal with her that she can have her own play list of music in your iTunes library. When she wants to download a song, she can download it but then she has to copy it to her play list. If you don%26#39;t want your music on her iPod then what you can do is have her uncheck all of your music and set it so that it only syncs the music that is checked. To have separate itunes you will need a whole butt load of disk space. If disk space is not a problem it should work. You guys will have to set your preferecnces correctly. why would your parents not want to have seperate windows users? it doesnt do anything to the computer...heck...i hav like 10 users on my computer and it runs great...well whatever.
u can only hav one library on itunes so you need either 2 computers or 2 windows users
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