How many songs can you fit on a 80G ipod?
It has nothing to do with how long a song is. It%26#39;s all about how much memory a song holds. Like most songs are 5 MBs - 8MBs (MB = Megabytes/GB= Gigabytes) (1,000MBs = 1GB)
But approximately it holds about 10,000 - 20,000 songs. Depends how long the songs are,
Maybe 7-23 Pink Floyd songs
Or maybe a 3 million Ramones songs
You would have to be a fan of either band to understand 20,000 That%26#39;s up to you and your iPod. It holds up to 20,000 songs, up to 25,000 photos, and up to 100 hours of video — or any combination of each.(1) So you can browse movies on the iTunes Store, download the ones you want, then sync it to your iPod. Same goes for TV episodes, new iPod games, 99Ω songs, best-selling audiobooks, and an entire universe of free podcasts.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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