Thursday, November 5, 2009

2gb ipod nano help?

i have a 2gb ipod nano,=500 songs, but i only have 376 songs on ma ipod, and the meter is full, i dont know why, its full, its supposed to be halfway, and i have no podcatst


More memory is consumed depending on how long the song is

The number of songs on a 2gb nano would be 500 if each song is 3:00 long (or so)

Your average song length is probably more than that... I%26#39;m sorry but the box is not accurate. It%26#39;s an estimate on how many songs can fit only the iPod. It only has do with memory. It all depends on how big the songs are on the iPod. The number of songs is only a vague measure based on the length of the average pop song and the default sampling rate. The actual capacity is 2 gigabytes. The size of each song file depends on its length and the sampling rate. The greater its length and the higher the sampling rate, the larger the file. One very long song sampled at the highest sampling rate could, for instance, be 2 gigabytes all by itself. It is probobly becasue you have photos/adresses/or other things that you can do on you ipod that dont involve music. I have the same iPod. :) Maybe you have some other things on there like pictures or something. %26%26 also, if you want more songs, then delete old ones that you never listen to or don%26#39;t have any likeness for. And each song uses up more space the longer it is. Maybe you have longer songs, The 500 capacity songs that apple brags are short songs 2min or under or sumtin like that get a 30gb video well worth it.

note nanos die after about a year or two theyre battery goes wack then everything else follows that might be the problem in your case. it depends on how long the song is, the longer the song the more memorey it takes up.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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