Thursday, November 5, 2009

30gb Ipod not responding?

I changed a song on my ipod and it wouldn%26#39;t start playing. The song says it%26#39;s 0:00 and I have tryed menu ans select. Nothing is working. Can someone tell me how to get my 5 month video Ipod to work?


If its serious take it back to apple to be fixed under warrenty. Its only 5 mths old. sometimes ipods %26#39;Freeze%26#39; you need to reboot it like you would a computer. Go to google and search for it, there are loads of websites that will tell you how to unfreeze a ipod, Its quite common. hold the middle button and play button down at the same time for about um 10 seconds it might be the menu button and the middle button i cant rememberr.. it will show a picture of an apple, press play again and it will go back to normal usually.

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