Is there a way to to transfer a song from ur ipod that came from someone else%26#39;s computer onto your library??
yes there is, if the ipod is on manage all songs manually mode you can change songs around etc etc.
but the thing is that you%26#39;ll only get to update the ipod by dragging items to the ipod, ( it wont auto update )
to put it on manually manage songs etc, just connect the ipod and check the box near the bottom of the summary i do not think so. its called sharepod
the only way this will work is if your ipod has its hard disk enabled
if it is then download this program
copy the program and open your ipod under my computer and paste the program and once thats done open it( the one on your ipod)
then it will bring up all your songs on your ipod
then highlight all of them and click the button that says to computer and all the songs that you picked will save to your computer were ever u specified them to save,
then drag them all to your itunes. you will need to have a 3rd party tool to help you as itunes blocks the ipod-to-computer transfer...see for;s a shareware cost $ can copy songs, videos and playlists from ipod to pc only 2 clicks, works great for me.
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