Thursday, November 5, 2009

1 gen ipod nano skins..?

im searching for a new silicon skin for my nano because the hard clear case that i have now needs to be removed for me to charge it in my ihome.. very inconvienient!! So i was wondering if all the 1st gen ipod skins have the l ittle flap thing for the lanyard bc it is ugly looking lmao and cna you use a skin for a 2nd gen on a 1 gen ? thanks for all of yer help =]

* oh and i dont just want a sticker type of skin, i want an actual silicon rubbery one...

TIA %26lt;3


I went to fye or whatever its called and they have a nano looks really cool, protects the ipod, has all the openings for the holes and there is no flap or lanyard, its exactly what youre looking for. do a search on google

and also try decal girl .com they sell silicone cases as well as sticker skins go to this has great skins... idk wear u were looking for one but there are tons of them here:

its the online apple store

u should be able to find one there

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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