Thursday, November 5, 2009

I am considering purchasing a Mustek PVR-H230 Mutlimedia player… Advice from owners?

Hi Everyone! I am considering purchasing a Mustek PVR-H230 Mutlimedia player with my left over birthday money. Do you have one? Could you advise me about it as I can only find one review on the internet and I%26#39;m in two minds about it!?!

Can you get replacement batteries if it runs out? Or do you just have to deal with it?

All info will be gratefully recieved! Thank you! =]


If you cannot find many reviews it%26#39;s because it is an unknown brand. For $200 you can get a Creative Zen Vision M, it does ALL the Mustek, except does NOT have a memory slot. Plus the Zen Vision M, plays DivX/XviD/WMV video files, not mp4 only like the Mustek. The screen size on the Zen is 2.5" vs 2.4" and the Mustek is a brick compared to the Zen Vision M%26#39;s size. You can choose from 5 colors, record FM, use the organizer with the Zen Vision M also.

The Mustek may be a little cheaper, but consider all the pros the creative Zen has.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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