Thursday, November 5, 2009

2 questions re headphones for an MP3 player and a Sony Walkman -?

I was just given a Philips MP3 player as a gift and noticed:

1. that my favorite headphones from my Sony Walkman don%26#39;t work properly in

the MP3, is this normal?

2. the sound quality of the MP3 with the headphones that came with the MP3 is

dreadful - sounds cheap and tinny, like an old $5 transistor radio, is this

normal? My Walkman with the Walkman headphones sounds amazing, can

I not get this with MP3?



I noticed the same thing with generic headphones and MP3 players, so I upgraded to Etymotic Research ER-6i isolators. They go for about $90 on ebay. Another pair are the ER-4P, but they are more expensive.

Hope this helps.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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