Thursday, November 5, 2009

Windows Media Player or iTunes?

Hey im getting a new computer and I was wondering whether an updated Windows Media Player, or and updated iTunes would be better to host my music files.

I don%26#39;t have an iPod so I don%26#39;t need iTunes for that..just in general.


If you don%26#39;t have an iPod there is no good reason to download itunes. Its a resource hog that installs other programs. Stick with WMP11. iTunes is a better music player and easier to burn Cds from. Frannkly, I have the latest version of Windows Media Player, and it is great. Great videos, huge space, very organized, playlists let you organize, ratings, etc. I really like Windows Media PLayer, FYI, I also use limewire and use those songs that I download on Windows and it sounds awesom. iTunes I think that itunes is better because you can convert ACC and WMA into MP3/4 format, for music and video, theres podcasts, and you can use things that you get off of limewire on it.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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