Thursday, November 5, 2009

Windows media player/MP3/windows vista!!?

i had all of my music on the computer and it has all been deleted!

i cant remember how i got the music from my MP3 to the media player, i remember something like rip or sync or something..

how do i get the music of my MP3 back onto windows media player. i put my MP3 in the connection thingy and it says play files veiw files ect..

WHAT DO I DO?! can you please tell me.

i might not make any sense.

you are amazing if you do


When it says view files,etc, you will see an option to open folder, choose that one, hopefully you will see the music files from your mp3. Copy all of them to your Music Folder in My Document.

Open your Windows media player, Select the %26#39;Library%26#39; tab

On the bottom left corner, you will see %26#39;Add to Library%26#39; click on it and choose the option %26#39;Add folder%26#39;

You will see the Folder %26#39;My music%26#39; click on it and you are done Most computers can read the music right off your player and play it in Windows, almost like it%26#39;s using a CD.

So, chances are you never moved it to Media Player in the first place. You can always use Explorer to go to the folders on your player, "copy" them (right click on mouse), and then "paste" them (right click again) wherever you want them. I keep my most current pile of songs right in a folder I created right on my desktop, so I can change it out whenever I want. But some people really love those playlists -- Just keep in mind that the playlist is often "virtual" as described above.

Good Luck! :) Ive not done the up grade my self so cannot talk from experience , but can you go to system restore and go back before you upgraded to see if you can get your music back ?? Enter in the folder where you have the music,keep pressing ctrl and click the music files you want

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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