Thursday, November 5, 2009

2nd generation ipod shuffle USB dock replacement??

The USB dock to my 2nd generation ipod shuffle broke, and I%26#39;m looking for a replacement. Preferably an offical apple replacement. I bought a new charger/sync connector from a third party company, but it crashed my computer... I%26#39;ve looked ALL OVER the apple webstore and stuff and I can%26#39;t find anything about getting a replacement and I hate dealing with their support forum it doesn%26#39;t make any sense to me. If someone could send me a link or let me know of a replacement charger/sync device that for sure works or is made by Mac. I would appreciate it. I don%26#39;t know if it makes much of a difference, but I use Windows Vista Home Premium on an HP notebook. Thank you!


they sell them near the iPods at Walmart or cirucuit city stores. they are the official apple versions, too

if u want apples store i found it on the website:

theres the link!

btw: that guy below me is seriously not cool. iPod Shuffles are good mp3 players, and if u put windows xp pro on ur computer it would not be an upgrade, i love my vista, anyway dont forget to chose a best answer. ;) Two things I can see wrong here:

One, you are using one of the worst MP3 players. There are much better, less restrictive, less proprietary MP3 players out there.

Two, your using Windows Vista which is not ready for primetime yet and will cause you many hours of headaches and problems as you attempt to get hardware %26 software to work with it.

My solution would be to purchase a Creative Labs Zen series MP3 player and upgrade your laptop to Windows XP Pro. i was recently in walmart and i saw it and it was about twenty six dollars. hope this helps.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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