It%26#39;s a 60GB iPod and he says hell give it to me for $50. The problem is that it has the Sad Face icon. Is this something I could fix myself?
In most cases, the sad icon indicates a hardware issue. if you are able to force iPod into Disk Mode, then it may not be a hardware issue, and you should try to restore your iPod with the latest software.
If you cannot force your iPod into disk mode and restore it, then your iPod is in need of service. Set up an iPod Service Request or make a reservation at the Genius Bar before visiting your local Apple Retail Store. To make a reservation go to, choose an Apple Store location, then click on the "Make a reservation" link. that means it cant be fixed the ipod cant find itunes. apple stores wont fixed water damage it means it got wet and wont work Is he giving it to you (you said give) then why is he charging you for it. If it%26#39;s a gift-it%26#39;s free, if he is charging you-it%26#39;s not a gift. I got a free iPod Video from this site, and I would recommend it to anyone who%26#39;s looking to buy an iPod. Why pay for something you can get for free, right?
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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