Thursday, November 5, 2009

Apple? iPod? MP3 Player with 80GB* Hard Drive?

Is there anything you need when you buy this MP3 player? Do I have to get my own Charger, Is there something Ineed to buy to put my music into my mp3 player? ETc? Please I need all info possible.


no, theres nothing that you need to buy for the ipod, because everything basically comes with it. Included in the box there is a USB cable that is used to connect your ipod to your computer to charge it and upload music. Theres also a CD to install the software, and theres headphones. Thats pretty much it, so you dont need to buy anything.

The only time you would have to pay for anything, is if you want extra things, like one of those colored cover for your ipod and little things like that, but otherwise..everything is free. no u don%26#39;t need to buy anything else, you get all the basic necessary accessories when you buy it. I got a free iPod from this site, I highly recommend it!

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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