I bought a 4GB 2nd gen iPod Nano from Best Buy about three months ago. No it%26#39;s not broken, and it was working real fine when I got it. But slowly over time, it started getting all weird.
1) Some of the songs are only half as loud as others. I didn%26#39;t choose the volume settings like this on iTunes, either. It just sounds like that on my iPod.
2) A lot of the graphics [CD covers] for the songs have been switched around. For example, Kelly Clarkson%26#39;s "Since U Been Gone" might have Depeche Mode%26#39;s Violator artwork for it, and Depeche Mode%26#39;s Enjoy the Silence might have Static-X%26#39;s Start A War artwork for it, etc etc...and once again I didn%26#39;t choose it to be like this on iTunes either, it%26#39;s just like that on my iPod.
Why is it like this? It%26#39;s not going to get worse over time and freeze, is it? And if there is a way to fix those two problems, could you tell me? Thanks a lot.
why spend money on an ipod when you can get it for free? just go to this site and complete a few quick tasks and they%26#39;ll send you one! sorry but the same thing happened to me.
im going to suggest returning it to best buy, telling them something is wrong and seeing if they can replace it.
if not, i know from experience wal-mart always give you exchanges.
sorry if that doesnt help you at all.
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