Thursday, November 5, 2009

8 GB nano i-pod or 30 GB video?

Alrighty. I%26#39;m having a bit of a dilemma. I can%26#39;t decide whether or not I want to buy an 8 GB nano or a 30 GB video. As far as music goes, I have a pretty eclectic taste for a 16-yr old with over 1,600 songs in my library (currently, but I try to pick up a new album or two every week or so) so I need space for music. And it would be nice to have video so I could watch RENT whenever I wanted to.

But I do like how much smaller the nano is; so much easier to carry around.

Any advice?




30 GB has the "WOW" factor when you show someone your music videos. The 8 GB will last longer since it has a flash drive and not a hard drive. The hard drive is usually the first thing to go. I have the 30 and love it, but it all depends on your taste I suppose. get the nano, the video ipod%26#39;s screen is so small, and will hardly wow anyone I have the 8 GB nano and wished I have bought the video. The size is nice, but when you think about it the video isn%26#39;t that much bigger, plus you can play games and watch movies. I%26#39;d go with the video, trust me I wouldn%26#39;t pick an iPod because of its size, my reasoning being that all iPods are pretty easy to carry around. If you are adding an album every week or even every other week, your library will get pretty big pretty quickly. I would recommend the video for you, and then you also get to watch movies. That is if you can afford it screw ipod. get a Zune. if you really wanna iPod then i would say the 30gb video

cuz you could have videos on it

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