Thursday, November 5, 2009

4GB Nanolike MP3/MP4/ Video/Movie Player?

I am thinking in getting me a Nanolike but want to know if they are like the ipods? Do you use itunes for it? What recomendations do you have of a 4GB Nanolike MP3/MP4/ Video/Movie Player?


Yes they work just like the ipods except for much less money. You could use Windows Media Player or download any other free music download program. i think you could use windows media player with those

ive seen alot of them No only ipods work with itunes. You would have to use windows media player and music sevices like

yahoo music, Rhapsody, erge music downloads. /free /free music

Copy the video%26#39;s URL and past it in the box. you tube converter.. $13 free movies legal /free movies movies no you cant use itunes but its seems like a good player Creative Zen V plus, All Samsung MP3 players, Sandisk Sansa, Cowon D2, iRiver Clix, iAudio 7. those are good alternative to iPod Nano. You do not have to use iTunes

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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