Thursday, November 5, 2009

2 GB iPod Storage Question?

Is it true that if you put songs on your iPod and then delete them, you can lose some space?



its like eating iceceam off a bowl(sry thinking about icecream lol) if u put ice cream on a bowl and then eat it does the bowl get any smaller??


i amaze myself sometimes

but i bet your budy sold or gave u a ipod he/ she wasnt using anymore and whiped it clean

but when u got it and plugged it into ur comp it had less than 2gigs of memory??

am i right??

email me

but neways that is becuz the memory formats down it probly has more like 1.73-1.80 gigs


nope its normal on new ipods too

hope iv helped

-Da Bear No. If you delete songs more space is freed. if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they%26#39;ll send you an ipod, completely free of charge!! No, you will not lose some space you will gain more space.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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