Thursday, November 5, 2009

Windows Media Player Question?

On some computers it allows you rip CDs into MP3s and others it does not. Is there any thing I can? I just go to Tools, Options, Rip Music. Sometimes it will let you rip into MP3 and others it doesn%26#39;t have the option. Please Help.


Sounds like you are using Windows Media Player v. 10. (I recommend the upgrade to v. 11).

The usual way of doing this is, as you seemingly know, going to %26#39;Rip Music%26#39; --%26gt; set the %26#39;Format%26#39; to %26#39;MP3%26#39; (The dropdown menu gives the option of selecting between various formats, among those MP3), and raise the quality bar to 192 Kbps --%26gt; start ripping.

You are not too specific on where the problem occurs:

- Does the %26#39;Rip Music%26#39; menu not allow you to change format setting? IE. are you given the option of ripping into Wav or MWA but not MP3

- Does the problem occur on same computer using various CD%26#39;s or are you ripping on different machines?

- Are you certain that you always have a music CD inserted into CD tray (do not believe Media Player will let you rip data CD%26#39;s)

But anyway setting the correct format in the menu should let you convert your CD%26#39;s into MP3 at anytime, otherwise it might be a bug which needs a lot more troubleshooting.

Will be happy to provide more assistance if the problem is not solving for you - just send a mail and I%26#39;ll see what I can do.

Good luck. Maybe you need a never version of windows media windows media player 11.maybe the never versions have all the ripping and burning capabilities.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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