Nope, not yet I%26#39;ve entered 5 codes and won 2 songs but thats it...
But really even winning songs is better than nothing - as long as your just buying the same amount of coca-cola as you usually do ! (It%26#39;s crazy the people who buy cases of it just because of the prize draws !)
Good Luck ! (and heres hoping I win one :P)
:) nope , i%26#39;ve either won nothing.. 1 tune or 2 tunes so far..
i do the codes thing at random times, to see if i could win.. but nothing so far. i even entered 3 codes at the same time, but no joy.. I%26#39;ve entered 3 codes and won 1 song. no , i haven%26#39;t won anything from coke but, i won a cooler refrigerator from Mountion Dew Yep :-) - although still waiting for further details!
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