Thursday, November 5, 2009

Apple? iPod? MP3 Player with 80GB*?

Is this a good mp3 player?


ipods are the best mp3 players

80 gigs are good for the best memory storage out there for your entire music library.

30 gigs plays the same role.

Nanos are good for small portions of you music library and is good for athletes who want to train and listen to music at the same time.

the shuffle is basically 200 songs (or so) on-the-go. to take anywhere. and is the cheapest of the ipod family. Yes, one of the best. especially if it%26#39;s black. black works same as the white one, but looks MUCH nicer.

keep in ind, that after formatting though, it%26#39;s actually closer to like 74 GB, probably. Well, depends which iPod you%26#39;re using.the mini, original, and shuffle, and video are bad. The best is the nano, so if you get the nano, yes. Oh, and by the way, how do you do the r thing?!?!?!?!? Yeah, its an ipod.80 gigs is a lot of memory though, to much for me at least. Unless you really need the room, i would get the 30 gig and save some $. yes I wouldn%26#39;t get one this late in the game, personally. At the rate things have been going, ipods are updated every september. So wait until the better and cheaper ones come out. I heard they have wireless and a big screen!

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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