Thursday, November 5, 2009

Im looking for an iPod Video 30 GB, but...? please help?. i really need help!?

but i find paying $249 for one seems a little expensive for an ipod. but i do NOT want to buy a used one, or one on ebay or whatever other things there are. so are there any stores that have it on sale, or a coupon or discount or they%26#39;re selling it for less? please help if you can.

thank you! ?

its an iPod Video 30 GB.


Mmm... thats going to be tough. If you really want to get good price ebay will be best option, new ones haver bids starting at like 150 so you might be able to get for like 200 or so. My cousin bought one from ebay, brand new sealed box for around 200. Another thing you can do is check your local stores for weekend discounts. Last year we had a local store sale and to like the first 5 or 10 people got ipods for like 10 bucks or so. I got a nano for a buck lol... so good luck. your best bet is buying it online:

those are some prices i found i read on a website called that they will be coming out with new ipods in august sometime that will be just like the iphone without the phone part so basically a touch screen. i was also gonna buy one but i read the thing on hope this helps if you want it that cheap then you have to buy it from they are reliable and they buy stuff new from different companies then sell it to you so its gonna be new and the cheapest new ones they have are about $200 Well you can check out but I%26#39;ve never bought anything on it. I don%26#39;t have a 100% that they sell ipods. But they do sell stuff like movies,books etc.

I have an 80GB Ipod and I don%26#39;t think that $249 is not too much. It can hold over 7,500 songs, 40hrs of video, 13,000

photos and 6 1/2 battery.

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