Saturday, October 10, 2009

Are you dissapointed with your iphone?

We bought 2 of them, and I really don%26#39;t see what all the rage is. Do you like yours? What do you like/dislike the most about them?


Besides the fact that Apple was recently rated as one of the worst offending companies in respect to the environment. And since it has recently been discovered that their is a serious security flaw in it... Well, I wouldn%26#39;t and didn%26#39;t bother buying one. Otherwise I feel that those who did bye them this early were sort of taken advantage of because now you%26#39;ll be wasting your time getting it repaired and installing patches, and you already wasted your money as well because when things are fresh in the market their price tends to be inflated. If you have your receipt I would consider returning it if you are not happy with it. They suck, are overrated, not to mention is a stolen idea that some company created years ago they even got sued for it.It%26#39;s just another PDA i just got one and its better than my chocolate, that thing would call 911 before i even touched the button, puttin touch screenw as a terrible idea on a small phone, in the middle of a text message it would just "feel" my finger click send i guess and send it half-done, it was really annoying, chocalte is the worse phone ever! (idk if this helps or not) my ex bought one and i"ve played around a little on it. My complaint is that you can%26#39;t receive pictures from another phone and you can%26#39;t send pictures to another phone, you can send to an email though. I thought that sucked. just really don%26#39;t see what the hoopla is about Mine was a piece of junk I got one of these ones at use the mp3 mp4 cell phone link has more functions than the iPhone and it works. Hello, I never like to rush to buy anything at all, that%26#39;s been all hyped up. Not even movies, I don%26#39;t do crowds and I want some feedback before I put my money in someone elses pocket. If you have your receipt are you able to take it back? I hope you can. :%26lt;) iphone sucks i knew it from the very beginning .. i like it alot i got on to play around on it at the apple store it rocked. So many people are disapppointed that I did NOT get one.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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