Saturday, October 10, 2009

Based on longevity, customer service and ease of use, what is the best high capacity(~30G) mp3 that


Blah Blah Blah Ipod Blah.

Ipod may havebeen the industry leader years ago but there are much better players for the money today. With Ipod you%26#39;re stuck with Itunes for legal music downloads and that%26#39;s it.

Take a look at the Creative Vision M line. It comes in a 30gb (5500 songs) and a 60gb (11000) songs and is a great player. It has a large color screen, is easy to use and since it%26#39;s a"plays for sure" product it can be used at all the major music stores.

The 30gb model is about $199 and the 60gb is about $299.

Here is a link to specs and reviews

weeder iPod hands down Absolutely the iPod. It%26#39;s been the market leader for years, is very well supported by computer applications, and with 3rd party accessories, very well designed, and Apple is has been noted with somone of the best customer support in the computer industry. ipod video but if youre looking for something that will last long then i dhave to say a zune

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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