I just got a Creative Zen V plus 2 gigabyte, and it says that it%26#39;s full after I put in 73 songs! It might have something to do with the fact that it says it transfered half the emty memory to removable disc storage...I DON%26#39;T WANT REMOVABLE DISC STORAGE. How can I fix it ? (This isn%26#39;t the first problem i%26#39;ve had with the player either)
You need to format your player. Attach it to your computer and find it in MY COMPUTER. Then right click and select format. This works for USB drives and if you do something like that it will work. To remove any unwanted memory you need to format - //To format zen = 1.Detach the player from the PC and power the unit off.
2.Slide the Power switch towards the power icon and hold the switch.
3.Push the end of a pin-like object (for example, a straightened paper clip) into the reset hole, press gently and remove.
4.Release the Power button when the Recovery Mode appears.
5.Select Format (All) and select Yes to format the player.
6.After the player has finished formatting, select Reboot.
7.Retransfer the tracks to the player.
Or - To format = Plug in your mp3* Go to start* Go to my computer* Right click you mp3 and choose format*
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