Saturday, October 10, 2009

As far as sound quality, I heard that if you rip your own cd to Itunes, then put it on your ipod...?

...the sound is better than if you downloaded the same song (to your ipod) from I tunes. Is this true?

If that%26#39;s true, wouldn%26#39;t a REAL U2 fan be better off ripping their own cds than to buy the actual U2 ipod? Anyone else heard this?


You said it utterly right. unless all the U2 songs in U2 ipod are

rip from U2 CD as well. I just came across a site that sends you an iPod for free! I%26#39;m ordering mine right now, going for the black one :)

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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