Saturday, October 10, 2009


how do i save it as an MP3? i tryed but it wont work


On the file menu, chose to export as Mp3. Then select name of the file and folder it will be saved in. If you press save project as , it will save it as a different format. to do that you first need to have the lame 3.96.1 encoder for audacity found here:

extract that to a folder here you wont forget it. open audacity, open the audio project, click on edit%26gt;preferences%26gt;file formats%26gt;find library%26gt;open the lame_enc.dll file that you just extracted. to the left of the find library button is a drop down menu of the available bit rats for your mp3. the lower the number the worse the quality but the less space it uses. 128 is a good compromise of space and quality where 320 is "cd quality". click ok. click on file%26gt;export as mp3%26gt;pick a name to save it as and there you go.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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