Saturday, October 10, 2009

Audio In thing on stereo?


There is a little hole on the front of my new cd player (the "boom box" kind) that says Audio in. I was wondering if this means I can buy a cable to plug my ipod into the stereo system. Thanks for your help!


yes. you can hook your ipod, mp3 player or any other device that has an audio out or headphone jack and play it through your stereo. note that this will not charge your ipod like the usb cables do, so a separate power/charger cord will be needed. Yes with an 1/8" dual ended stereo cable. Some devices don%26#39;t have enough amplification for the stereo in jack to hear the signal, but some do. Some better stereos have an amplifier built in so regardless of the signal strength they can reproduce the sound. Give it a shot! Yes to the ipod. Go to Radio Shack. They have it all.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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